Pido ayuda
João Cardoso
Acrylic on canvas, measuring 150 x 180 x 4 cm | 59 ¹/₁₆ x 70 ⁵⁵/₆₄ x 1 ³⁷/₆₄ in.
João Cardoso
Acrylic on canvas, measuring 150 x 180 x 4 cm | 59 ¹/₁₆ x 70 ⁵⁵/₆₄ x 1 ³⁷/₆₄ in.
João Cardoso
Acrylic on canvas, measuring 150 x 180 x 4 cm | 59 ¹/₁₆ x 70 ⁵⁵/₆₄ x 1 ³⁷/₆₄ in.
PIDO AYUDA title means looking for help and this came up when during the painting João Cardoso found an article that had the same title and it was about a man looking for his automatic vacuum cleaner that left his apartment.
This present experience led João to take the idea further where the “machine/human” is dependent on other automats as lies down on the floor, desperately trying to reach a plug. In this artwork scenario the interpretation has two sides, where the right side figure is feeling frightened by the evolution of the society as tries to avoid fire, the energy of the past. This scenario feels like an interpretation of Allegory of the cave, a story that illustrates the different scenes of reality based on our human will of exploration.