Blue #2


João Cardoso

Synthetic paint over 3D (made with the help of printers) printed Polyactide (PLA) + fiberglass sculpture, measuring 100 x 64 x 48 cm | 39 ³/₈ x 25 ¹³/₆₄ x 18 ⁵⁷/₆₄ in. Floor or wall sculpture (it can be easily hanged).

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João Cardoso

Synthetic paint over 3D (made with the help of printers) printed Polyactide (PLA) + fiberglass sculpture, measuring 100 x 64 x 48 cm | 39 ³/₈ x 25 ¹³/₆₄ x 18 ⁵⁷/₆₄ in. Floor or wall sculpture (it can be easily hanged).

João Cardoso

Synthetic paint over 3D (made with the help of printers) printed Polyactide (PLA) + fiberglass sculpture, measuring 100 x 64 x 48 cm | 39 ³/₈ x 25 ¹³/₆₄ x 18 ⁵⁷/₆₄ in. Floor or wall sculpture (it can be easily hanged).